Cross Allegiance: Bible On-Site

Bible On-Site (Free Download)

Download Now (1360 kb)
Current Version: 1.0.3
Installation Instructions Below

Bible-on-site is a quick and semi-customizable online Bible that you can upload to your site in full. The .zip file is full of .txt files of the King James Version of the Bible, as well as .php installation scripts that you can use to render Bible-filled .html pages for your website.
Sample installation can be found here.
Installation Instructions
(1) Find an empty directory or create one on your website to install Bible-on-site.
CAUTION: If you do run the install script from a directory with an index.html file, it will be renamed to index-backup.html
(2) Extract all the files from the .zip that you download.
(3) Upload all the extracted files to your empty directory.
(4) Choose your installation method and install --
-- If you want a full install (10 MB) with an easy update file, from your directory, run install-full.php in your browser
-- If you want a compact install (5 MB), from your directory, run install.php in your browser
(5) Test out your files, and enjoy!
Let us know any feedback or if you run into any problems via our Contact Form.
Programmed by: Sterling C. Franklin