
Posted by Sterling

Good to have you here -- if you're new to Cross Allegiance, welcome! How is your walk with the Lord? I hope it's vibrant, cleansing, and full of His revelation and power! Most importantly, if you have not started your walk with the Lord, please put your faith in Jesus! It's the biggest decision you will ever make -- whether a yes or a no.

Planned for September/October:
  • Teaching Romans on Wednesdays, Night Owl Prayer on Wednesday Night, and Communion Services on Sundays
  • Creating at least 5-10 New Bible Verse Images for our Social Media Outreach
  • Working on a T-Shirt project or two
  • Building final studio backdrops for Autumn recording
  • Re-recording Poetic Sermon on 'What's Holding You Back?' for better quality to post online

As always, check our Calendar for scheduled services and events, and feel free to send us a Booking request if you want Sterling to speak at your Church or Ministry!

How You Can Help

Posted by Sterling

As of September, we've reached over 20 million people on our Facebook outreach. Engagement has also been solid, with a lot of messages coming in, prayer requests and praise reports, and reflections on the content that I've posted. We do need to expand at some point -- it's very good ministry, but it's also a LOT of ministry, which can be tough to attend to on my own, especially with other obligations in life, so if you love Jesus and He is your Savior, here are some ways that you can help with this ministry:

Ways to Help (Contact Sterling via our Contact Form)
  • Social Media Help: We get messages and requests on a regular basis, and there are opportunities to minister very directly to people on a one-on-one basis. We also want to foster healthy online parachurch and in-person church communities, so help there is desired. I'm also frankly bad with Instagram, lol, so any help where I'm unskilled is a possible area for assistance.
  • Graphics Outreach: If you are gifted in art/design, creating evangelistic images for our Facebook outreach is another possible way to help.
  • Video Editing & Production: Mainly posting this here since I'm going to start recording again soon, and this is one of my least favorite things to do!
  • Prayer Teams: We would love more people praying for requests and the ministry overall. There are teams that meet throughout the month on various evenings.
  • Giving: While I'm doing very well with spending efficiency and using my out-of-pocket funds, we are hoping to achieve self-sustaining funding so that we can grow and reach more people with the Gospel.

Be blessed and refreshed in Jesus' Name!

Midwest Trip Complete!

Posted by Sterling

July was a phenomenal month containing a lot of travel and ministry -- preaching at churches, praying for pastors and chaplains at the ECA Conference, and witnessing to people about Jesus in the public square. The trip took me through from the Southeast through Tennessee, Indiana, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Kentucky, and then the last stop was the ECA Conference in South Carolina. It was sure a lot of driving, but all of the ministry was refreshing, and God did amazing things as usual!

I still do traveling ministry, so if you want to book me for that, use our Contact Form. Anything from Sunday services to the 'Poetic Pastor' poem-sermons to Youth Groups to Prayer and Revival services. The Lord still brings revival! Spend time with Jesus today, and seek out a fresh work of the Holy Spirit in your life!

As always, check our Calendar for scheduled services and events, and feel free to send us a Booking request if you want Sterling to speak at your Church or Ministry!

Poetic Pastor Series (Videos)

Posted by Sterling

  • Jesus: His Life, Death, and Resurrection: Video Link
  • Gifts of the Father (The Gifts of Jesus and the Holy Spirit): Video Link
  • Laborers in the Harvest: Video Link
  • Coming Soon: What's Holding You Back? (In-Person Service Scheduled for Sunday, September 8th)

I may soon start another one on Creation/New Creation. Perhaps in a few months, it should be ready.

On another note, I just finished the Calendar for our services and events. The first four months of 2024, I've done 56 services, so we'll see what May holds!

Our Vision: Glorify Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!

Posted by Sterling

Cross Allegiance has been around a long time (it was technically EncouragedLife back in 2003, then rebranded to Cross Allegiance when I went off to Seminary and then started our YouTube outreach), but I want to share some of the vision for this ministry in the mid-term:

  • Cross Allegiance will focus on implementing a TV station that can play on Smart TVs, Mobile Devices, and Computers. This will be free of charge to all who download.
  • On-demand videos will also be available via our Website (here) and YouTube channel
  • The setup for this ministry will be rooted in a building that will double as a TV Studio as well as Local Church on weekends. The hope is to have a constant 'burnt offering' before the LORD!

God has provided me a good amount of funds to start, so much of the plan is to fund this out of my own pocket. I will hope to file formal incorporation papers and then 501c3 paperwork for Cross Allegiance in 2024 in case anyone else wants to support and be tax-exempt (but this will be in-progress for a while). If not, no worries. I'm eager to preach, pastor, pray, and evangelize!

In-Person Sunday Services and Online Messages

Posted by Sterling

We're currently meeting at Crabtree Valley Mall, Sundays at 5pm when the venue is available (thanks to Mon for hosting when possible). Interspersed will be Online Messages when availability for the venue isn't present, or when I'm traveling doing evangelism or pulpit supply at other local churches.

Next several weeks (starting from mid-January):

  • January 17th [Wednesday] Prayer Meeting
  • January 21st [Sunday] Communion Service @ Crabtree Valley Mall, 5pm
  • January 28th [Sunday] Teaching Service (Tongues & Prophecy) @ Crabtree Valley Mall, 5pm
  • January 28th [Sunday] Online Service @ Cross Allegiance
  • February 4th [Sunday] Communion Service @ Crabtree Valley Mall, 5pm
  • February 7th [Wednesday] Gospel of John Bible Study @ Crabtree Valley Mall, 6:30pm
  • February 7th [Wednesday] Prayer Meeting
  • February 9th [Friday] Worship Night @ Crabtree Valley Mall, 7pm
  • February 11th [Sunday] Teaching Service (Discerning God's Voice) @ Crabtree Valley Mall, 5pm
  • February 14th [Wednesday] Gospel of John Bible Study @ Crabtree Valley Mall, 6:30pm
  • February 16th [Friday] Worship Night @ Crabtree Valley Mall, 7pm
  • February 18th [Sunday] Communion Service @ Crabtree Valley Mall, 5pm
  • February 21st [Wednesday] Gospel of John Bible Study @ Crabtree Valley Mall, 6:30pm
  • February 21st [Wednesday] Night Owl Prayer Meeting
  • February 25th [Sunday] Teaching Service (Lord's Prayer and Greek Translation) @ Crabtree Valley Mall, 5pm
  • February 26th [Monday] Prayer Stream with PEGM @ Crabtree Valley Mall, 6:30pm
  • February 28th [Wednesday] Gospel of John Bible Study @ Crabtree Valley Mall, 6:30pm

Social Media Outreach

Posted by Sterling

Our Social Media Outreaches are updated regularly at:

I'll be making more videos and Bible Verse images as time allows! ...and while you wait, feel free to try out USBR for Android and TurboBible for Windows if you so desire!

Jesus is Alive and Well!

Posted by Sterling

I'm reminded of old-school evangelism on Yahoo Chat. For a while, my screenname on there was JesusIsAliveAndWell. God did some amazing things, even through Yahoo Chat. What has He done in your life as of late? Are you actively seeing Him do amazing things in and through you? Do you feel overwhelmed with gratitude and joy, or do you feel lacking? Regardless of your current state, there's always room to be intentional about being ON TRACK! Following Jesus is not about dead ritual, and our Savior is most definitely not dead, but Risen!

Jesus is truly Alive and Well. He is seated at the Right Hand of the Father in Glory. He will return in power. He desires for you to draw near to Him, and to see Him do the miraculous in your life. Need Prayer? Let us know! Want to share a Praise Report? Feel free! We're definitely interested in encouraging you in your walk with the LORD and seeing Him do wonders through our willingness.

Romans Series

Posted by Sterling

If you haven't been to our Twitter or Facebook outreaches lately, we're doing a series on Romans. Each portion is 140 characters or less, and hopefully the series is a blessing to many. Once it's all finished, there will likely be 500 or more Tweets through the book of Romans. Feel free to retweet, share, etc. to get the Word out! A few are listed here:

"[Jesus] was delivered up for our offenses and raised for our justification." See Romans 4:24-25. Believe in Jesus today!

God provided Jesus as a sacrifice for us "when we were yet without strength" -- in our own power, we cannot achieve salvation (Romans 5:6)

Without faith in Jesus, we stand condemned (see John 3:18). With faith in Jesus, there is now no condemnation (see Romans 8:1).

Stay tuned! As always, if you have a Prayer Request, send it our way and we will gladly pray for the matter at hand. If you want to help out with Cross Allegiance in any way, let us know. We definitely are praying for workers to spread the love of Jesus. God bless you!

Webcast Library

Posted by Sterling

While we've moved to a hybrid in-person and online approach on Sundays, if you want to catch up on prior Tuesday webcasts, here you go:

Outreach Images (Work-In-Progress)

Posted by Sterling

I've been working on a few new sections to the website, and hopefully this will be a very helpful addition. On our Facebook and Twitter outreaches, we put out evangelistic pictures for people to see and share. You can now view these images all in one spot, but again, I'm still working on it! Each image has author, website, and license information, and an option to download either a smaller or full-sized image.

For a sneak peek, check here: Outreach Images (Work-in-Progress)

Need Prayer?
Submit a Prayer Request!


About Cross Allegiance

Cross Allegiance is a ministry focused on spreading the good news (Gospel) of Jesus Christ in various creative ways, involving our everyday talents to illustrate His character as revealed in God's Word. We believe that all people need to put their faith in Jesus for forgiveness of sins and the inheritance of eternal life in Heaven. If you don't know Jesus yet, please consider that seriously. God loves you too much to ignore, and it's worth every bit of the sacrifice involved to follow Jesus in this life. Sow to the Spirit, and reap eternal life! Walk with Him through life -- you will never be the same, and you will never regret it. Know Jesus? Great! Let's seek revival through personal holiness, devotion to the Word and prayer, and most importantly, a deep love for God and others. Read More...

Social Media Outreach Links

Cross Allegiance on Facebook
Cross Allegiance on YouTube
Cross Allegiance on Twitter (now "X")
Cross Allegiance on Instagram